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Ronda Rousey WWE Biography - Biography

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Our coronavirus panic shopping list is: Nonexistent. It’s no secret I’ve been a proud prepper for years- but let’s all learn from this pandemic panic and be a little more self sufficient and prepared in the future. Taking steps to live sustainably takes time but ultimately saves money, permanently eliminates water and power bills, reduces our carbon footprint, and is just plain healthier. We started @browsey_acres with just a compost bin and a few boxes of @soylent, which then became just a small herb garden, then a full garden (admittedly still under construction) then a few chickens, then a few more chickens (and ducks!), then a whole steer, then a solar roof, then a water catchment system. Start small! Just start! Let’s stop panicking and start preparing! Stay safe out there and #StayRowdyMyFriends!
A post shared by Ronda Rousey (@rondarousey) on

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